H.Mounier - 1858



The www.hmounier.frwebsite is the property of H.Mounier headquartered at: 49, rue Lohmeyer


H.MOUNIER / Franck Privat – Website developement


The whole of this website is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The reproduction or representation of all or part of the content or photos on this site is prohibited.



encourages responsible consumption of its products. Alcohol abuse is dangerous to health The products presented on this website should be savoured and consumed in moderation

The website may only be viewed by persons authorised to consume alcoholic beverages in countries where consumption of such beverages is allowed

For all information about alcohol or to assess and track your consumption: www.alcoolinfoservice.fr

H.MOUNIER / Franck Privat – Website developement

Liability Clause

H.MOUNIER makes every effort to ensure that the content of the website is accurate and up to date, but we cannot guarantee that the information is exhaustive and free of error H.MOUNIER may not be held responsible for any errors or if the information is unavailable. At any time and without prior notice, H.MOUNIER modify the content of the website.

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In accordance with Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the User has the right to oppose (art. 32 and 38), access (art. 38 39) and rectify (art 40) data concerning him. To make use of this right, the User must contact the Publisher at the following address: jbarthelemy@hmounier.fr, or by mail addressed to the Publisher’s address, specifying his or her surname, first name(s), address and e-mail address(es).

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H.MOUNIER site may use “cookies” to process statistics and information on traffic, to facilitate navigation and to improve the service for the comfort of the User. In accordance with European legislation, the Reynac site has updated its confidentiality policy concerning cookies. The User is free to accept or refuse cookies from all websites by modifying the parameters of his or her Internet browser.